Host a FEAR Combat Server
If you have FEAR Combat SEC2 installed, You can Host a Server. You can get the installer here:
Work in progress
We are in progress of adding more info about how to host a server. Meanwhile you can ask in the facebook group:
FEAR-Community group in facebook.
Update SEC2
Get the SEC2 Update:
This is only the update. You still need the game installed.
How to install
To install this update, only copy the GameServer.dll file to the folder SEC2 inside the installation folder; typically:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sierra\FEAR Combat (SEC2)\SEC2\".
The server installer also supports this update, but we don't have a working mirror for that at this moment.
Hosting Servers with the Linux binaries doesn't seem to work at this moment. Once there's an update on this topic, the info will be updated.